duminică, 26 iunie 2016

Cat de usor se poate vinde o casa pe site-urile de anunturi imobiliare

Iti doresti sa cumperi o locuinta insa vrei sa eviti agentiile imobiliare intrucat acestea implica comisioane semnificative, iar serviciile lor nu sunt intotdeauna cele mai calitative? O solutie o reprezinta apelarea la anunturi gratuite imobiliare, intrucat acesta este un spatiu unde se pot intalni atat cumparatorii, cat si vanzatorii care isi doresc evitarea agentiilor.

Anuntul potrivit

Datorita faptului ca postarea anunturilor imobiliare este gratuita, acest aspect atrage un numar ridicat de utilizatori, dornici sa vanda un bun imobiliar si nu au nimic de pierdut, in timp ce in trecut pentru publicarea unui anunt la ziar trebuia platit. Acesta este un mare avantaj al evolutiei tehnologice, ca multe servicii au devenit gratuite.
Insa pentru a atrage un numar cat mai mare de posibili cumparatori, se recomanda acordarea unei atentii sporite in alcatuirea anuntului, intrucat acesta este ca o carte de vizita. Daca este scris impecabil, fara nicio greseala gramaticala, clientii vor sti ca au de a face cu o persoana serioasa, cu care cel mai probabil ca isi vor dori sa colaboreze.
De asemenea, cu cat mai multe detalii, cu atat mai bine, deoarece pe aceasta cale se evita telefoanele inutile si deranjante pentru intrebari suplimentare. Imaginile realizate trebuie sa fie de calitate, sa evidentieze toate punctele forte ale apartamentului, iar orice posibil defect trebuie ilustrat sau mentionat in textul anuntului.

Un numar mare de utilizatori

Intrucat anunturile gratuite imobiliare sunt tot mai cautate, exista un numar foarte mare de utilizatori, iar pe aceasta cale cresc sansele simtitor de a vinde o locuinta intr-un timp mult mai scurt. De asemenea, si din punctul de vedere al cumparatorilor este un mare avantaj, intrucat acestia au posibilitatea de a mentiona toate specificatiile dorite, iar anunturile afisate sa fie doar cele rezonabile, astfel ca se economiseste mult timp fara a mai fi nevoie de a vedea toate anunturile nesemnificative.

vineri, 24 iunie 2016

About Renting Cars in Bucharest

As I really travel a whole lot in all those funny countries, it happened sometime ago to land in Romania, Bucharest, the eastern land of opportunities, of beautiful women, and of extremely cheap cabs.

And the funny thing about Bucharest is that the cabs are so dirt cheap, as I did not even understand how can those guys pay for the gas, how can then repair the car when it gets broken and how they can earn a living from driving people around – as it seams that those services were so cheap, than the guys that are providing them are basically living with water and bread.

So…. I really felt pity for those drivers, but to be honest, the quality of those services was also dreadfull, they were the worst cabs that I have ever been in, they were dirty, they were quite old (in fact more…. Not fit than old) so I have to be onest and to say that I did not like this experience.
So… I decided to call Bucharest rent a car services – that I did and it happened to find some very neat Mercedes cars that were driving themselves  - joking here ;) – the cars came with a driver, a very nice guy that was dressed accordingly and to be honest I have enjoyed all the trips with that car (for the value of the services, for the car and everything the price was really a steel) and I felt great, so great that I also wanted to repeat this thing in London, and then in Rome, but I have reached to the conclusion that those 2 cities are to expensive for me, or I don’t really find any value in paying 5 times more than in Bucharest for the same kind of services and maybe with a smaller and non impressive car.

So yes… finally I can say that I have a great time in Bucharest

luni, 13 iunie 2016

How can Virtual Tour Software improve your business

The most essential thing that happens in the software industry is the fact that the most solutions are offering a demo mode, a way of testing all the necessary functionality, features, which is great as any potential buyer would be able to properly evaluate tha plus that a certain software solution (like a virtual tour creation software in our case) will bring on the table for adding value to his business.

Also, during this free period of time (that can vary in some cases from 2 weeks as long to a full month) the user will be able to understand how the software works and how to obtain the maximum out of each software solution, which is something like a free training.

And the final major advantage (from a client point of view) is the fact that he will be able to test for free a lot of solutions, compare the features, the value, pricing and support and finally choose the best platform that money can buy.

Also, some software solutions are using a very interesting model – named Freemium, which means that a user will be able to use some of the features of that software solution, but not all of them, without paying.

Now – as we are a real estate company, for us the most important software solution (and I mean important software solution in regards to our activity) is the virtual tour creator – and we are using Tour Wizard, after we tested it among other solutions as well.

The deciding factor was the fact that it brought the most value from all the virtual tour solutions that we tested last year, the price is really great (as it is really competitive) the features are more than enough, and it is simple to use – it is so simple, yet the support that we receive from the software provider is also great. SO – in our opinion we would rate 10 out of 10 points for Tour Wizard.